friday fave fives

If you’ve checked out Katie or Kate’s recent vlogs, then you know how absolutely adorable the both of them are. And since both their recent video’s are on food, I decided to combine them (Katie did her fave foods and Kate did her Friday fives), and make my Friday Fave Fives. (PS – I meant to post this sooner but had a midterm to write this evening!)

I won’t be sharing a vlog with you, because frankly, I wouldn’t even know where to start with shooting a vid…plus, it’s a little intimidating. But, I will show you in a post instead! Huhh, huhh 😉

1. Wasabi seaweed snacks

These are FAB! They’re so spicy and delicious. I love the fact that you get a ton of sheets of seaweed in the package, but they’re so low in calories!

2. Nutritional yeast

The husband I can’t get enough of it right now. With some melted Earth Balance on top of popcorn, it is so delicious!

3. Swiss chard

I really am a veg fanatic now, but this definitely has been my ‘go to’ for easy meals at school. I sautee it with some olive oil, garlic, onion and nutritional yeast, and it’s so addicting. So addicting that I want some more right now (yes, it was my dinner on campus tonight).

4. Alexia fries

I don’t eat these a lot just because salt in anything frozen gets to me and my mouth (I wish I could say the same about baked goods!), but I definitely love these and they’ve been the inspiration for my ‘homemade’ fries lately (read: have to use up potatoes before they go bad). Paired with some organic ketchup and it’s the perfect complement to lunch or even to eat as an afternoon snack.

And finally number 5.

Five is not actually a food, but the most important fave five there is…remembering.

Without these brave soldiers that fought to protect us, we would never have the chance to experience great food and great fortune. It is because of those men that we have the opportunity to explore the endless possibilities and express our freedom.

Thank you to those men and may we remember them. Their brave actions over 93 years ago will never be forgotton. Let’s make an effort to never forget.

I hope everyone has an amazing start to the weekend!


5 Comments on “friday fave fives”

  1. Yum! I need to try this Swiss Chard thing pretty much immediately!

  2. Great favorites! I need to try the swiss chard + nooch combo! Sounds delicious! 🙂

  3. You are so sweet! Im glad you enjoyed my vlog!!

    LOVE the seaweed snacks, I eat the at night sometimes, weird dessert right? lol! So good though, sometimes Im in a salty snack mood and those fit the bill!!

    Happy Saturday love!! xoxo

  4. Kate says:

    I lovee seaweed snacks & favorites, its such a great way to learn about new things!!

  5. […] also means another thing – a little while back I decided to follow some other lovely ladies and drop a bunch of f-bomb: fave, friday, […]

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