
I love writing, but I have a hard time putting into words who I am. Trying to describe myself is definitely one of my limitation, so luckily, I went to Twitter, and totally stole my bio from there. Thank you, creative-in-the-past-Char, for this!

So here’s my expansion on the Twitter bio:

New Student.

Having graduated from McMaster University in 2008 for Linguistics, I definitely considered it a great accomplishment, but not what my life-long goal was. I developed a greater passion for nutrition and decided that I wanted a career in that instead.

Although I graduated in 2008, I did not go back to school until recently – September 2011, to be exact! I needed to take grade 11 and 12 chemistry, which I did not complete in high school, so, I took those through distance ed. I also decided on taking a grade 12 math (distance ed, as well), because back in high school, I took the ‘hard’ grade 12 math (advanced functions), so this time around I took the ‘easy’ grade 12 math (data management).

I was nervous and scared and afraid I would not be accepted into the nutrition program I wanted. There were only a selective few schools that I could go to for the accredit program (which would enable me to become a dietitian). In reality, I only did apply to the one school, because I knew even if I got into the other two that were within traveling range for me to go to, they were not the ones I wanted. Thinking back, that probably was a bold move, but it was a realistic one.

Luckily, after submitting chem and math marks (which almost didn’t make the deadline), old university transcripts, and writing an entrance letter, I was accepted.

I am now a proud student at the University of Guelph, majoring in Applied Human Nutrition. I am currently a full-time student, but after this year, I will drop down to part-time, since having already obtained an undergraduate degree helped take away the need for electives.

My Food Philosophy.

I used to eat meat <— this was originally just typed as, ‘I used to eat.’ 😛

But, that all changed around my birthday, back in May 2011.I just didn’t feel like eating meat anymore, so I stopped. Although, I didn’t stop eating all meats, I still felt like eating fish was okay.

But, in July, I decided to cut out all meats entirely (thanks to Eating Animals – my review here) because I felt like it was right.

I consider myself to be about 95% vegan, as I really don’t eat/consume many dairy products anyways. My setback for a while was eating out – here I wouldn’t care if they sauteed the veggies in butter, but now, I’m not afraid to let restaurants know that I would prefer a vegan dish. I wouldn’t say I’m a 100% vegan, nor am I trying to strive for that perfection.

I am what I am, and as long as minimal amounts of animals are being harmed by me doing this, then I have succeeded! Plus, I absolutely love veggies.


I am married – did you see that one coming?! (you can check out more pictures here)

I met this amazing guy back in 2007, when I was going into my final year of university at McMaster. I’m ever-so-lucky that his sister knew my mom, and my mom made the truest statement she’s ever uttered, “Amanda’s younger brother is good looking.” (note: she meant for me, not for her!)

After hearing my mom say this and then finally seeing him in person, my immediate reaction was exactly what my mom had said, “he is soooo hot!” (okay, so I said it a bit different from my mom). This would also be why I avoided him at all costs having first seen him – hot guy = intimidation factor.

Eventually, we started talking (and no, not just on Facebook :P), and I immediately felt so comfortable with him. It’s almost strange how natural it felt to be around him. Obviously it was natural for him as well, because after 14 months of dating, we were engaged.

We got married a short 10 months later, and as the saying goes…

The rest was history.

Oh ya, and my twitter bio mentioned me being a ‘mrs. to a golf pro’ – well that is correct. My husband went to South Carolina on a golf scholarship and is now one of the finest golf teacher’s there is – and ya, he’s a pretty talented golfer, too.

He loves teaching people how to golf – but the answer is no if you think I’m anywhere close to being a good golfer. I prefer to ride in the golf cart and be his groupie!


I’ve been running for quite some time without focus on improving, but more recently I’ve been doing it with the focus of getting better (increasing distance, pace, endurance and the like). I only just ran my first half marathon recently (recap here), but would love to do another one in the future!


(Me in front of the Sydney Opera House, Australia)

The husband and I cannot get enough of traveling. Being from Canada, winter’s suck. So, we travel to Florida a lot during the winter, just to escape. Being in school makes this a bit more tough, but we try to get away when possible (like say, a cruise after exams are finished?)

We don’t limit our travel to North America only, like my picture states above, we also had the pleasure of traveling to Australia as part of an ‘extended’ honeymoon (as we like to call it :)).

Something about being able to go places – new and old – just to get away from where we are all the time is very fulfilling for me.


And there you have it. Little ol’ me in a nutshell. I hope I was able to elaborate on all the right things that people look for when reading a bio, and hope you actually liked what you read.

Any questions? Contact me here!


Thanks for stopping by!

35 Comments on “about”

  1. Hello! I just came across your blog by way of Fitnessista and I think its lovely! I can absolutely relate to the whole ‘figuring things out’ piece and know how intimidating it can be to pursue what you love even though it ultimately presents no shortage of challenges – taking more classes, tuition, etc etc. Good luck with everything!

    • char says:

      I really appreciate your kind words and it’s nice to know that there’s other people out there who can relate. Sometimes I start questioning myself and what I’ve been doing…but it all happens the way it does for some reason!

  2. I just found your blog and think it is great. Can’t wait to read more! 🙂

  3. Love your story girl! I admire you for going after your dreams. That’s truly what life is all about!!

  4. I am actually in school to become a speech pathologist right now! It’s funny because I always thought I wanted to be a dietician, but in college got on the speech path. Who knows, maybe I’ll change my mind down the road like you did!!

  5. Love your blog, glad I found it!!

  6. I just found your blog from blonde on a mission and I noticed you are canadian too 🙂 Can’t wait to keep reading!

  7. I actually started my career in teaching but after only 1 semester, I knew I was born to be a dietitian! I’m glad you found your own path!

  8. Courtney says:

    Such a beautiful girl! I like your blog, and I’m excited to follow along 🙂

  9. Hi Char! wow that’s crazy! I just graduated with a linguistics BA as well. I’m glad that you’re doing whatever is best for you. 🙂

  10. Jen says:

    Great blog! Love to see locals (I’m in Mississauga/Port Credit/Oakville area) living a healthy lifestyle and promoting it to others in such a positive and motivating way.

  11. Taylor says:

    I just found your blog through Carrots n’ Cake and it’s great! Your journey sounds very similar to mine. I have a BA in Sociology (graduated in 2009) and have still been trying to figure out my life since then! But like you, I have an insane passion for nutrition and now I’m looking into programs to be a holistic health practitioner and nutritionist! I’m starting my own blog too, but it’s not up yet. I’m not tech savy at all! Great blog and good luck in your journey!

    • Thanks so much, Taylor! I look forward to when you get your blog going (PS – I’m not that techy either, thank goodness for wordpress!). I was thinking about the holistic approach too! I figure, since I’m in, I’ll go to school to become a dietitian, but I don’t limit it to that. I always love to learn, so who knows what else I might take in the future! Good luck with your journey as well 😀

  12. Taylor says:

    I have a whopping 2 posts on my new blog! hahaha

  13. Yay for finding my blog, so i could find yours!!!! Love having Canadian blogs to read and can’t wait to read more 🙂 whereabouts outside Toronto are you? Go blondes 🙂

  14. Just came across your blog. And I love it. Will def. be bookmarking it! You and the hubby look gorgeous together!

  15. amj08e says:

    Just found your blog and loved reading all about you! Your blog name is awesome and your writing is captivating! Btw, wedding pictures are gorgeous! your are beautiful and inspirational!!

    check out my blog so we can stay friends (eh, I mean our friendship can be two way hahah)

  16. Kim N. says:

    I just found your blog and I’m looking forward to reading it more! One thing we have in common is that we both want to be Dietitian! Lovely wedding picture as well! 🙂

  17. Lisa says:

    Just found your blog from fitblog chat!! 🙂 can’t wait to read more about you!

  18. Loving reading about you! Just read about your 1st half…you kicked butt! Crazy your husband went to school in South Carolina…that’s where I was born and raised and went to College (now live in California!) Looking forward to following along!

  19. Hey Char! I just found your blog…I’m another Char, from the West Coast of Canada 🙂 Nice to “meet” you. You have a great blog!

  20. Love the revamp 🙂 It’s definitely sounding more like the Char we’ve been reading about lately. Good on you for not taking a hiatus and changing this up 🙂

  21. earthygurl says:

    Char I’m so glad I just stumbled across your blog. I feel like I already know you now:) Cute story with the hubby. Your momma just knew you two would be a good match. hehe

  22. sophie says:

    Hi Char 🙂

    I am glad I found your blog because we seem to have a similar story – I am about to graduate with a Master’s in Linguistics…but as I approach the end, I realize I am not interested in it…I am far more interested in holistic nutrition. It’s hard to imagine doing any more school after already doing a B.A and M.A….but I think it’s worth it – if it’s to do what you love. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

    • Hey Sophie! I’m glad I got to hear about your story! It is frustrating, but it might be worth it! I love the holistic side too!! It is pretty impressive that you’re getting your Masters though. This is a major accomplishment whatever you choose to do!

  23. Wait a second – you’re an almost-vegan linguist? That’s crazy – me too! I got my BA in Linguistics from the University of Kansas in 2006. Too funny! Nice to meet a kindred spirit, however unlikely! 🙂

  24. my goodness, you guys are a power couple! haha 🙂
    i love your blog!

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