overactive brain

Ok first off, I’d like to say that it’s haaaard getting a post in between work and life sometimes! I thought summer would be better for getting blog stuff accomplished, but apparently not!

This is the one (and only) full week I’m working at my parents work, plus putting in hours at my other job for a grand total of 60+ hours of work this week. Sunday cannot come soon enough! I honestly can’t remember the last time I worked 40 hours a week, let alone 60 – if I never blog again, you’ll know why.

Ok now onto the brain.


Does anyone else have an overactive brain? I mean really overactive?

Today mine, yet again, proved how overactive it is. You see, I have this built-up fear of needles and pretty much pain in general. I have not had a needle in over 10 years, but was due for a tetanus shot. Do you see where this is going?

Did I also mention how I faint easily because of my overactive brain?

First cavity. Faint.

Optometrist appointment – eye drops to dilate pupils. Faint.

Parents getting pinprick to check glucose levels. Faint.

Getting a tetanus shot/first needle in 10 years. Faint…naturally.

I won’t even talk about how I fainted on my honeymoon. That’s another post.

My fear of everything pain (minus dilated pupils, yes I’m weird) makes my brain go into overdrive and then it eventually catches up with me, causing me to feel nauseous, light-headed, sick, see spots, sweat, become pale and basically just a wreck!

It was no different today. Thank goodness my hubby was with me, or else I would have been chilling out at my doctor’s office all day!

After a little pass out session (which involved a lot of head between the knees), sweating, feeling like I was going to be sick, getting up to lie down on the table, drinking a high-sugar juice (it had to be done!) and going green in the face, I was good to go.

I’m just thankful that the Nurse Practitioner said that I won’t need one for another 10 years.

I guess we’ll have to see what happens when we start having kids…yikes!

Q: Is there anything that makes your brain overreact? Have you ever had any awesome faint sessions like me?